Monday, January 3, 2011

Beltline Urban Oasis

One of the greatest urban revitalization projects in the Southern United States is currently in progress in one of the most economically depreciated sections of Atlanta. The Old 4th Ward neighborhood in Atlanta has been a haven for deviant behavior for many decades, partially because so many of the neighborhood’s residents are living right at or below the poverty line. The area contains one of the highest child poverty rates in the entire city. But in the last several years with the planning of the new Beltline in Atlanta, the 4th Ward neighborhood has begun to see steps towards revival, primarily with the new 35 acre park. This urban Atlanta green space will mark the first park project that the Beltline has undertaken. It will contain sustainable aspects, like the large storm water retention pond that will become a focal point for the larger park green space stretching roughly from North Avenue to Freedom Parkway. Other amenities of the park include an event lawn, a skate park, and an amphitheatre. This park, when completed should also provide a economic boost to the surrounding real estate, as well as provide a spark for the residents of Old 4th Ward Park.

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