Monday, January 17, 2011


A library dedicated in Little Rock, Arkansas to President Bill Clinton, is as progressive as the man himself. The William Clinton Presidential Library is the first federally constructed building that has received the prestigious L.E.E.D platinum rating for. The platinum rating is so rare that only 28 other buildings across the globe have achieved it. The primary eco-friendly component of this building is its innovative self-sustaining green roof. This green roof filters storm water into the native planted zones, and the vegetation also helps to insulate the building, thus cutting down on energy expenses. The roof is also quite functional, with seating benches, a wooden walkway, and a natural lawn where visitors can explore or just relax.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Welt

One of the greatest architectural masterpieces in the 21st century is also one of the most Eco-friendly. The BMW Welt building in Munich, is an engineering marvel that contains an incredible 800 kilowatt solar energy station on its roof. The building is heated through the solar energy it collects, and specially modified interior surfaces help to increase natural ventilation and temperature levels. Natural vegetation is also strategically placed throughout the building to help natural rid the air of dust particles. Its an incredible example of green technologies that doesn't take away from the aesthetic experience.

Inside Discovery Green

Friday, January 14, 2011

Forward Progression..

Can you guess which city proudly boasts one of the greenest urban parks in the United States? Houston may not be your first choice, but in actuality this once concrete jungle is really beginning to turn the corner on sustainable design. The park, Discovery Green, received a Gold L.E.E.D rating in 2009 and encompasses a 12 acre area nestled between the Brown Convention Center, Hilton Hotel, and the Toyota Center. This park, is not only constructed on a Brownfield site, but it also went to extensive methods in the construction process to reduce its pollutant emissions. The buildings constructed within Discovery Green use natural passive air flow techniques and open air platforms which help to reduce direct sun to interior areas of the buildings, consequently naturally cooling the buildings. Discovery Green also has an extremely efficient irrigation system, and it even cleans reuses collected rainwater to help increase the water level of neighboring lakes. Thus it’s an incredible step forward for a city that at one time was blanketed by paved impervious surfaces. Discovery Green has pledged in the future years to generate up to a third of its power from green renewable sources, thus making great strides for the city health of Houston.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Gem of Portland

Tanner Springs Park is an urban pocket park in downtown Portland, Oregon in the Pearl District. The uniqueness of this park is its ability to fuse together design elements with historical context to really give this city park, a personality of its own. Before Portland into fruition, this area was boggy wetlands with Tanner Creek running through the center. Thus for the redesign of this park, looked to evoke the naturalistic wetlands with high native grasses and native trees such as: Oregon Oak, red alder and big leaf maple. From an environmental standpoint most of the newly planted trees were transplanted from dilapidated areas around the city. Along the east side of the park, old railroad tracks were salvaged and joined together to form an artistic wall with painted glass interspersed throughout the wall. The raised boardwalk that cuts through the “wetland” water feature helps to bring residents and visitors to the edge of the naturalistic features of this park. All together Tanner Springs Park is a proud symbol of the progressive design approach that the city Portland strives for.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Just the Fundamentals

Home size does matter to some, but to others it is a priority way down on the totem pole. Jay Schafer, founder of Tumbleweed Tiny House Company specializes in miniature house building for those who want to scale down their way of life. The “small house” movement is one that has been collectively gaining steam since the mid 90’s when Schafer originally built his tiny residence, in California. It’s clear that these small homes are not meant for a large family, but one even two people can fit inside many of these homes with relative ease. It is an ingenious way to really cut back on the resources that we, as human beings, consume on a daily basis. It’s simple, less building materials equates to less floor space which means less room to heat, cool, or brighten with electricity. In a time when resources are becoming thinner and thinner, a smaller home means a smaller environmental footprint is left behind.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Rock Solid

Despite what parents may say, positivity can arise from watching cartoons, specifically the Flintstones. Inspired by this antediluvian cartoon, this abode in the Fafe Mountains in Portugal boasts one of the more unique architectural designs I have ever seen. Sustainably constructed between two large boulders, this home is quintessentially progressive. At first glance it appears to be an oversized army bunker, but the more you study it, you begin to realize how it magically interconnects with its surrounding landscape on a purely minimalist level.