Friday, December 31, 2010

UNzipped (Vienna)

At fist glance, the modern look of Fabio's restaurant in Vienna Austria may look a touch distasteful set amongst the older classical buildings. However this classy eatery can tie up its outer facade to reveal a much livelier atmosphere for its restaurant guests. Designed by the architecture firm BEHF Architeckten, this glass wall is both innovative and effective. Once the outer facade folds up, Fabio's patrons can enjoy all the sites and sounds of the city while enjoying a meal or just an evening cocktail. This hip Vienna establishment has gotten rave reviews in recent years not only for it's upscale menu, but also for it's sophisticated environment, which is clearly evident below..

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

High Line Park Design

This is a cool inside look to how the conceptual plan of High Line Park came to fruition. Enjoy, I sure did.

High Tracks (NYC)

One of the best solutions to healing dilapidated urban districts is creating green-space that bisects the rundown urban area. High Line Park, in NYC is a grand example of community revival through landscape architecture. This old elevated stretch of rail tracks that runs from Gansevoort Street up to 20th Street. The elevated railroad was in use for almost five decades. But since it was shut down in 1980, the site slowly grew into despair. When local neighborhood residents decided to take action in 1999 to preserve this space, little did they know what the next decade would bring. Fast forward to 2010, and the High Line represents urban renewal that has re-energized the economic, social, and aesthetic sectors of the surrounding community. A hotel was built on the edge of the park, property value around the preserved High Line park has significantly increased. But most importantly, what used to be an urban eye sore for inhabitants of New York City, is now a space that evokes civic pride and joy.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


The main objective of OpenTecture, besides being aware and open to new concepts and methodologies, is to provide information regarding innovative ideas that will advance our lives. One such product that is on the forefront of design is the new portable power-mats. This simple device could change the way we consume electricity. These slim mats, can charge multiple electronic devices at a time and can also run on batteries. Future relatives of these first generation power-mats could advance us to the point where we depend little on electrical outlets. These futuristic power-mats could act as in home generators, generating power for a variety of household items: remote controls, laptops, cell phones, clocks, hair dryers etc.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Engulfing Arms.. (Vatican City, Rome)

Openness in short is a respect for all beings and all things.  Things were created for the advancement of beings in the most elementary of terms.  People have banded together even before the creation of modern language, but that communal cohesiveness is what advances societies and  raises the human race into the next threshold.  OpenTecture seeks out those man-made advancements as well as to offer admiration to human achievement and progression that can improve not only individuals but also communities as well.  One quintessential example of this is St. Peters Square in Rome, Italy.  The plaza space is engulfed by two "symbolic arms" which ebrace those who want to follow the Catholic faith.  It's an architectural masterpiece as well as a societal representation of openness.